Worship Online
Welcome! If you are not able to come in person to worship our Lord and Savior, He comes to you where you are. Through the wonders of live-stream technology, you can join our Holy Cross family virtually in "real time." The service will go "live" when the service starts. When worship is over, the service will convert to a recorded video which will be available to view until the following Sunday. (Just scroll down the page.)  Services from past weeks can be found in the Archives section.

We've set it up so you can follow the order of service on the screen.  You can view the service in full screen by clicking on the four "arrows" near the Vimeo logo at the bottom of the video (and hit esc on your computer keypad to return it to normal viewing).

UPDATE:  We take attendance for the in-person service each week. You now have an opportunity to be counted as present when attending the online worship service by clicking the link "Attendance Record."  If you choose, you may also leave a message or prayer request.
Next: Fourth Sunday After Christmas 2025
Attendance Record


Baptism of Our Lord - Third Sunday After Christmas 2025
Attendance Record

Our live stream capability is made possible through a generous grant from The Mid-Atlantic Lutherans in Mission (MALIM) as part of the Art Scherer Memorial Crisis Response Fund. We are grateful for the opportunity to go beyond the walls of our building ... and share God’s Word virtually ... both with our homebound members ... and with everyone the Holy Spirit leads here.
God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him might have eternal life. ~ John 3:16